Supporting individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing
This engaging workshop will provide attendee’s with a comprehensive overview of working with individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and how to best advocate for their support needs.
The session aims to:
- Increase your deaf awareness and understanding of deaf community and culture
- Explain hearing loss and common co-morbidities
- Explore common barriers, important considerations across the lifespan and misconceptions
- Explanation of how interpreting hours are calculated, the different types of interpreting considerations, and thinking about how to tailor requests to address NDIS goals
- Explore the use of standardised assessments in this space and the importance of ensuring the questions have been interpreted as intended
- Provide an overview of the assistive technology options and services/suppliers available across Australia
Workshop duration: 3 Hour Workshop
Cost: $180.00

Dear Fi and Tina. Thank you so very much for an extremely informative webinar. I found it very useful. Both of you are very knowledgeable in the area and I learnt so much. I am sorry I couldn't attend during the live webinar, but very much enjoyed having the recording available. There was so much I hadn't thought of such as fatigue and terminology so really opened my mind.
- Rebeca

Thank you! This workshop was so informative for me clinically but also empowering for me personally. As on OT with a hearing loss who wears bilateral hearing aids I have never received this kind of holistic education not just in terms of AT but in terms of the number of other issues need to be considered particularly the fatigue issue. I realised even as a peeson with a hearing loss I haven't been taught the correct terminology and have always had people talk about my hearing impairment. You have shown me the mental fatigue is an issue and not just me 'turning my ears off' when I'm tired and fried at the end of the day. I can take this new knowledge with me and hopefully empower others too. Thanks again from a very grateful OT
About the Presenters

About the Presenters
Tina Taseska, Occupational Therapist and Team Leader for Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Assistive Technology and Fiona Fonti, Occupational Therapist and Managing Director at The Rehabilitation Specialists. Since beginning her career as an Occupational Therapist, Tina has worked closely with the Deaf Community and has become passionate about advocating for their support needs, assisting to bridge the communication barrier between her clients and the NDIS to ensure they are provided with the necessary supports and assistive technology.
Fiona Fonti has been an OT since 2006 and has lived experience as an NDIS participant. Fiona is profoundly deaf and wears bilateral cochlear implants, and is passionate about working with the Deaf community and educating the broader community (and the NDIS!) about the differing support needs. Fiona brings a unique perspective and understanding working with deaf and hard of hearing participants, and explaining the hidden challenges that can impact on function. Fiona is an open book and is happy to answer any questions about her own experiences and observations.