Welcome to a journey of professional growth and transformation in your occupational therapy practice

Verve OT Learning was established by Occupational Therapist Sarah Collison to elevate the standards of our profession in the NDIS sector by providing specialised training and clinical supervision services to fellow occupational therapists.

Our Mission

At the core of our service offering is a commitment to upskilling and empowering occupational therapists, particularly in navigating the complex landscape of NDIS processes. Recognising the evolving nature of our field and the critical role we play in the lives of NDIS participants, Sarah founded this initiative to bridge the knowledge gap and foster a community of highly skilled, confident, and compassionate occupational therapists across Australia.

What Sets Us Apart?

Expertise in NDIS Processes

As a seasoned occupational therapist with extensive experience in the NDIS space, Sarah and our team of seasoned presenters bring a wealth of knowledge to our training and clinical supervision services. Our offerings are designed to demystify NDIS processes, ensuring that therapists feel confident and competent in providing the best possible care to their clients.

Practical Clinical Supervision

Clinical supervision is not just about overseeing caseloads; it's about fostering growth, reflection, and resilience. Through our supervision services, therapists receive personalised guidance, actionable feedback, and mentorship, empowering them to navigate complex cases with confidence.

Join the Journey

Embark on a journey of continuous learning, professional development, and community-building. Together, we can elevate the standards of occupational therapy and make a lasting impact on the lives of the clients we work with.

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