Postural Care Strategies for Better Quality of Life
A person’s lying posture can have a distorting effect on their body shape and structure. This is particularly relevant to people with mobility impairment. Their reduced ability to effectively change position when lying in bed appears to be directly related to the development of destructive changes in body shape and has an impact on health, function, and quality of life. It appears that the interrelationship between position/posture, mobility, and gravity determines body shape. The destructive position adopted in unsupported lying is always reflected in the seating position.
Participants will become aware that protection of body shape is most effective when done in lying and sitting (standing if possible) over a 24-hour period. Postural care is always gentle and respectful and family/ person led to be successful. Postural care adheres firmly to the principle of ‘Primum non nocere’, first do no harm. This means that effective postural care might not be possible for all but should be explored for people considered at risk of, or already have established body shape distortions. It is recognised that more research is required in this area (2,3).
Workshop duration: 2 Hours
Cost: $120.00
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Bas Jansen is a physiotherapist with a special interest in 24-hour postural care. Bas migrated from the Netherlands to Perth Western Australia back in 1998. Bas has more than 25 years of experience providing postural care including complex seating for people with severe mobility impairments, both adults and children. He is a strong advocate for family-cantered practice and building the capacity of the first circle of support in the area of postural care (paid and unpaid carers). Bas regularly provides postural care courses for families, carers, and therapists through Postural Care Australia (PCA) (https://www.posturalcareaustralia.com/) and provides Consultancy Services to assist OT’s and PT’s via Telehealth or face-to-face if possible. Bas teaches therapists how to measure body shape objectively with the Goldsmith Indices of Body Symmetry (GIoBS) and regularly runs seating workshops for therapists. In this current role, he also has been given the opportunity to facilitate two research projects with Edith Cowan University (ECU) and another with Curtin University/Telethon Kids Institute in the areas of seating and lying.
Workshop duration: 2 Hours
Cost: $120.00
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Bas was very knowledgeable and explained concepts well. I found the webinar very interesting because he used real life stories and mixed media (photos, pictures and videos). Thank you! Much more informative and useful than I even thought it could be! SO good! I ca definitely see this being useful where I work in residential aged care as they become frail, develop contractures/are at risk, and people with advanced dementia.