Exploring Advanced Sensory Processing in Adult Occupational Therapy
Designed for OTs who have already completed the Sensory Processing in Adults Course run by Nikki, or those who have an understanding of the principles of sensory processing including assessment and intervention concepts.
This workshop will step attendees through the process of how to work with clients with identified sensory processing issues to implement an advanced program of sensory-based intervention for complex (including non-verbal) clients. The aim of the training will be to assist OTs to implement sensory processing interventions with complex clients with goals including increasing engagement and independence and limiting adverse behaviours. How to then confidently disseminate findings and recommendations to caregivers and stakeholders will also be discussed.
Workshop duration: 2 Hours Workshop
Cost: $105.00
Info clear and well presented. The content will have an immediate positive impact on my intervention with a couple of clients. I appreciate the offer for additional 'fat chewing' if required. :)
- Miriam
Lovely to see the next step of sensory in action (esp for our forgotten adults in the world of sensory) and some great tips here. While a lot of this wasn't new information for me, it is very validating to hear we are doing the right things, and lovely to stop and reflect on what we do achieve!!
- Erin
About the Presenter:
Nikki Cousins has worked as a senior neurological and general physical Occupational Therapist across The Hunter Valley, Central Coast and Sydney. In 2016 she started her own private practice, Action OT, where she continues to work as Director and senior OT. Action OT is a boutique practice specialising in occupational therapy for adults and adolecents transitioning to adult services. She has a keen interest in stroke, evidence based practice, cognitive/perceptual disorders and dementia. Nikki is passionate about providing education opportunities to other therapists in a way that is easy to understand and apply to everyday practice.